Math 466 prep Tutorials
These lessons are for students who are interested in going into enriched secondary 466. The most important topics in secondary 4 will be covered. The basics and fundamentals of Math required for secondary 466 will be reviewed.
These private tutorials are for students who: 1) would like to know what to expect 2 ) are worried about the difficulty 3) want to understand and consolidate the basic concepts crucial for Math 466 4) need a recap on algebra and factoring (required for 50% of the course) *The Math 466 teacher may recommend any student who doesn't keep up their grades in term I to be transferred back to regular. Dates: Tuesday August 5, 12 and 19th Time: 10am to noon Location: 155, 7th avenue, Laval des Rapides, H7N 4J4, Ringer 99 (bus 7 min walk) Maximum: approx 5 students Fees: 60$ per 2h session Material: All documents will be provided. Please bring pencil case with calculator. Content Covered on the 3 days: